Minggu, 28 November 2010


Bangka is an island province together with Belitung Island. Bangka lies just east of Sumatra, separated by the Bangka Strait; to the north lies the South China Sea, to the east, across the Gaspar Strait, is the island of Belitung, and to the south is the Java Sea. The size is about 12,000 km². It has beautiful sandbeaches with spectacular rockformations. Because of the enduring seawind it isn't as warm as elsewhere in Indonesia. There aren't too many western tourists, so you can have quiet stay, also because of the good infrastructure. Mini-busses drive all over the island and the local people are very polite and helpfull. Bangka and twin-island Biliton were well known in the Dutch colonial era for the tin-mines. The Dutch brought in many Chinese labourers for these mines at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays the majority of the population is from chinese descent. If you arrive by plane you can see from above how the landscape is spoilt by illegal exploring of tin on the hills. Many acresof forest are destroyed. Sepintu Sedulang dance performed to welcome distinguished guests, the dance describes the open-hearted character of Bangkanese people, it is also performed during festivals occasions, other dance is Lion dance, it is performed to chase away evil spirits, some dancers being under a magicians influence go into a trance.

Rabu, 10 November 2010


aku disini
dia disana

aku terpisah lama
pencarian masih fatamorgana
tetapi tetap kutunggu

lalu waktu datang
namun masih datar
datar dan datar

hari pun makin cerah
dan hati makin dekat
ada rasa disana

cerita berubah
gurun oasis kita tempuh
jiwa bagaikan berlian

penemuanku berhasil
bahagia terasa
tak ingin terganti murah

usailah pencarianku


Jumat, 05 November 2010

Legian Beach

Legian Beach in Bali (Kuta) is the second most popular area with visitors after Kuta because of its close association with beach life and its parties. It is an exposed beach break that has consistent surf. May-Oct (Dry Season) is the optimum time of year for waves. Works best in offshore winds from the east northeast. Tends to receive distant groundswells and the best swell direction is from the southwest. Waves at the beach break both left and right. Often Crowded. Take care of rips and locals. For first timers Legian is just like another Kuta but give yourself a day, and an evening walk along the famous Double Six Beach, and a night in a cosy club. Sunset is peak time at Legian Beach, when the beach bars fill up, the football field is at its busiest and the locals knock off work and wade fully clothed, skirts swirling, into the waves. Now part of the greater Kuta area, both offer quieter alternatives and a more sophisticated nightlife scene focusing on dining-out and socializing rather than full-on partying.

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Bunaken Island and the four other islands of Siladen, Manado Tua, Montehage and Nain are part of a marine park called Bunaken Marine Park. The total area of the park is 89,065 ha of land (3%) and sea (97%), located in Manado and includes parts of the coastal area of North Sulawesi mainland. The Bunaken National Marine Park was formally established in 1991 and was among the first of Indonesia's growing system of marine parks. It comprises the 5 islands of Bunaken, Manado Tua, Siladen, Montehage and Nain. It is part of the Indo-Pacific region which supports the highest marine biodiversity on earth.

The waters of Bunaken National Marine Park are extremely deep (1566 m in Manado Bay), clear (up to 35-40 m visibility), refreshing in temperature (27-29 C) and harbor some of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. Pick any of group of interest - corals, fish, echinoderms or sponges - and the number of families, genera or species is bound to be astonishingly high. For example, 7 of the 8 species of giant clams that occur in the world, occur in Bunaken. The park has around 70 genera of corals; compare this to a mere 10 in Hawaii. Although the exact number of fish species is unknown, it may be slightly higher than in the Philippines, where nearly 70% of all fish species known to the Indo-western Pacific, are found.

Some fact include:

  • The park is 16,000 sq. km of water and land.

  • Water temperature rarely drops below 28 celsius, and averages 29 celsius over the year.

  • The dry season is from April to November when the wind blows from south-east and the sea stays relatively calm.

  • The wet season is from December to March with cooler winds from north-west which can bring heavier rains and rougher seas.

  • Temperatures vary between 25 celsius in the wet season to 30 celsius in the dry season.

  • Diving can be undertaken all year round - visibility varies from 30m during the dry season to 15m in the wet season.

  • There are 7,000 species of coral fish in the world and over 2,000 can be found in the park.

  • Protected fishes that can be found in the area include the coelacanth, turtles, dugongs and giant clams.

  • Unusual fish include the pygmy seahorse, the ghost pipefish, frogfish and the blue-ringed octopus.

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia

Way Kambas is a large national park covering 130,000 hectares in southern Sumatra. The park consists of swamp forest and lowland rain forest, but was extensively logged before becoming a reserve in 1972, so there is little primary forest left. Way Kambas has long been known for being home to a significant population of Sumatran elephants, some Sumatran tigers and Malaysian tapirs, and numerous bird species. In the 1990s, surveys revealed that the park was also home to a little-known or seen population of around 40 Sumatran rhinos – one of only three surviving populations in Indonesia.

Way Kambas consists of swamp forest and lowland rain forest, but was extensively logged before becoming a reserve in 1972 so there is little primary forest. The reserve still has a few Sumatran Tigers and reasonable numbers of elephants. It is also provides excellent birdwatching, with the rare White-winged Duck among the species present.

Sumatran Rhino in the Way Kambas Sanctuary

Another special feature of this national park is the Sumatran Rhinoceros still present in the area. Only 275 remain in South East Asia today. In Way Kambas a managed breeding center or Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) has been build up in 1995. At this moment 5 Sumatran Rhinos live at the Sanctuary, most have been translocated from zoos to the large enclosures (with natural habitat) at the SRS.

Sumatran RhinosFacing intense pressure from a variety of threats, the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinos sumatrensis sumatrensis) is probably the most endangered species of rhinoceros. It is estimated that no more than 275 individuals survive, almost entirely in two range states, Indonesia and Malaysia. From 1989 to 1998, the population declined by at least 60%, and while Javan rhinos number even fewer, the combination of the extent and rate of population reduction makes the Sumatran rhino the most critically endangered of the five rhino species. The cause of the decline is almost entirely poaching for the horn through the use of traps and snares placed in the forest. In Indonesia, Sumatran rhinos survive in only three known locations (Gunung Leuser, Bukit Barisan Selatan, and Way Kambas National Park) and have been extirpated from one national park (Kerinci Seblat) within the past decade.

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010


The interesting place to see is Baturaden, located 15 km north of Purwokerto. Baturaden is a classical highland country in the foot of Gunung Slamet volcano. Central Java's outstanding resort is approximately 14 km north of Purwokerto. It occupies a fine site on the slope of Mount Slamet, at an elevation of 650 m above sea level. It has remarkable weather with a cool mountain breeze. The temperature ranges from 18 degree C to 25 degree C. The resort area is surrounded by nice gardens, hot springs, ponds and bungalow-style hotels. Other features include 200 ha of pine forest, a nearby market and marvelous views. Some European groups are known to spend a day trekking through its Splendid Natural Forest and Villages. Always green, the area is blessed with an abundance of natural water resources spouting out in numerous waterfalls and rivers, which flow between the huge boulders of hardened lava. The huge boulders also points out to Ravines and river bank and form some kind of path, apparently having rolled down from Mount Slamet during a eruption many centuries ago.

Baturaden is renowned for local tourism; with attraction of hot spring, trekking and camping. The main attraction for tourist is the Loka Wisata Baturaden, a recreational Park with a swimming pool, water slide, lake; children's play ground with an Old Dutch Merry-go-round, Hot water mineral spring and Botanical Gardens. We can come to spend the whole day, picnicking on the grassy lawn or along the river or bathing in the mineral waters, which contain sulfur. There are two natural hot spring in Baturaden, namely Pancuran Telu and Pancuran Pitu. The park connects with "Pancuran Tujuh" (Seven Fountains) of warm sulfuric spring water about 2,5 Km's away. The camping ground is called Wana Wisata. There are 76 hotels ranging from the star grade to the modest one for overnight stay. We can go perum berkoh there are one elite house in this city.

Rabu, 29 September 2010

Tourism Assignment



Istilah pariwisata berasal dari bahasa sanskerta yang terdiri dari 2 kata yaitu, yaitu `pari` yang berarti keliling dan `wisata` yang berarti perjalanan. Menurut Soetomo (1994:25) yang didasarkan pada ketentuan World Association of Travel Agent wisata adalah perjalanan keliling selama lebih dari tiga hari, yang diselenggarakan oleh suatu kantor perjalanan dalam kota dan acaranya antara lain melihat-lihat di berbagai tempat atau kota baik dalam maupun luar negeri.
- Menurut A.J. Burkart dan S. Medik (1987)
Pariwisata adalah perpindahan orang untuk sementara dan dalam jangka waktu pendek ke tujuan- tujuan diluar tempat dimana mereka biasanya hidup dan bekerja dan kegiatan-kegiatan mereka selama tinggal di tempat-tempat tujuan itu.
- Menurut Hunziger dan krapf dari swiss dalam Grundriss Der Allgemeinen Femderverkehrslehre, menyatakan pariwisata adalah keseluruhan jaringan dan gejala-gejala yang berkaitan dengan tinggalnya orang asing disuatu tempat dengan syarat orang tersebut tidak melakukan suatu pekerjaan yang penting (Major Activity) yang memberi keuntungan yang bersifat permanen maupun sementara.
- Menurut Prof. Salah Wahab dalam Oka A Yoeti (1994, 116.). Pariwisata adalah suatu aktivitas manusia yang dilakukan secara sadar yang mendapat pelayanan secara bergantian diantara orang-orang dalam suatu negara itu sendiri atau diluar negeri, meliputi pendiaman orang-orang dari daerah lain untuk sementara waktu mencari kepuasan yang beraneka ragam dan berbeda dengan apa yang dialaminya, dimana ia memperoleh pekerjaan tetap.
Jadi pengertian pariwisata adalah perjalanan keliling dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain. Kepariwisataan adalah merupakan kegiatan jasa yang memanfaatkan kekayaan alam dan lingkungan hidup yang kasih seperti hasil budaya peninggalan sejarah, pemandangan alam yang indah dan iklim yang nyaman.

Pengertian Kepariwisataan
Adalah kegiatan jasa yang memanfaatkan kekayaan alam dan lingkungan hidup yang khas seperti hasil budaya, peninggalan sejarah, pemandangan alam yang indah dan iklim yang nyaman.

Pengertian Perjalanan Wisata
Perjalanan wisata adalah perlawatan keliling yang memakan waktu lebih dari 3 hari, yang di lakukan sendiri maupun di atur oleh biro perjalanan umum dengan acara meninjau beberapa kota atau tempat baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.
Adapun wisatawan menurut definisi international Union of travel Organization (IUOTO) adalah
1. Visitor ( :Pengunjung) adalah seseorang yang melakukan perjalanan ke suatu negara yang bukan negara tempat ia tinggal, suatu alasan yang bukan pekerjaannya sehari-hari.
Contoh : Pilot maskapai penerbangan yang datang ke suatu negara karena pekerjaannya tidak termasuk kategori ini.
2. Touris (:Wisatawan) adalah pengunjung yang tinggal sementara di suatu tempat paling sedikit 24 jam di negara yang di kunjungi dengan motivasi perjalanannya sebagai berhibur (bersenang-senang, liburan kesehatan study alasan keagamaan dan olahraga), berdagang kunjungan keluarga dan pertemuan-pertemuan. Berdasarkan instuksi prsiden R.I No 9 Tahun 1969 tanggal Agustus 1969 definisi wisatawan adalah setiap orang yang berpergian dari tempat tinggalnya untuk berkunjung ke tempat lain dengan menikmati perjalanan kunjungan itu. Menurut UN. Convention Concerning Customs Facilites For Touring (1954) Wisatawan adalah setiap orang yang datang disebuah negara karena alasan yang sah kecuali untuk berimigrasi dan yang tinggal setidak-tidaknya 24 Jam dan selama-lamanya 6 Bulan dalam tahun yang sama.
Dalam pengertian ini wisatawan dibedakan berdasarkan waktu dan tujuan. Yang disebut wisatawan adalah orang-orang yang berkunjung setidaknya 24 dan yang dating berdasarakan motivasi Mengisi waktu senggang seperti bersenang, berlibur, untuk kesehatan, studi, keperluan agama, dan olahraga, serta bisnis, keluarga, peurtusan, dan pertemuan-pertemuan.
Sedangkan ekskurionis adalah pengunjung yang hanya tinggal sehari di negara yang dikunjungi tanpa bermalam. Pengertian ini paling banyak digunakan karena pembedanya tegas sehingga mudah dipahami antara pengunjung yang bisa disebut wisatawan, dan pengunjung yang hanya ekskursionis saja.
3. Excursionis (pelancong) adalah pengunjung sementara di suatu negara tanpa menginap termasuk di sini penumpang kapal pesiar. Dalam ketentuan di atas, pengunjung yang tak dapat di masukkan dalam kategori tourist adalah orang yang tiba di suatu negara yang bertujuan mencari atau mendapat pengahasilan atau melakukan kegiatan usaha di negara tersebut, orang yang datang dengan maksud menetap di negara tersebut, orang yang melintasi suatu negara tidak bermaksud singgah meskipun perjalan itu melebihi jangka waktu 24 jam, perjalanan kaum pengungsi atau (refugee).
Adapun motivasi perjalanan wisatawan dari jaman ke jaman :
1. Di zaman kuno motivasi perjalanan adalah
a. Kebutuhan peraktis misalnya politik dan perdagangan
b. Dambaan ingin tahu misalnya tentang adat istiadat dan kebiasaan orang atau bangsa lain
c. Dorongan keagamaan misalnya ziarah dan lain-lain
2. Diabad pertengahan umumnya petugas negara pedagang besar, pejiarah dan mahasiswa
3. Dizaman modern perjalanan wisata perorangan mula-mula untuk tujuan kesenangan
4. Dimasa kini karena kemajuan teknologi menjadikan factor pendorong untuk perkembangan pariwisata karena kecepatan
bertambah ; kapasitas pengangkutan lebih besar, menambah daya tampung ; biaya yang menjadi lebih rendah ; pelayanan
lebih baik dan lebih mudah ; menimbulkan rasa nyaman dan aman.

Jika di ambil kesimpulan maka motivasi wisatawan yang mendorong mereka untuk mengadakan perjalan wisata yaitu : dorongan kebutuhan untuk berlibur dan berrekreasi , dorongan kebutuhan , pendidikan dan penelitian, dorongan kebutuhan keagamaan, kesehatan, atas minat terhadap kebudayaan dank e senian, kepentingan hubungan keluarga, ke amanaan politik.

Kepariwisataan sebagai suatu industri yang utama ialah pengangkutan. Pengangkutan meliputi pengurusan bepergian seseorang dari tempat kediamannya menuju ke daerah tujuan wisata baik yang bersangkutan dengan dokumen perjalanan, urusan batas teritorial suatu negara maupun transportnya. Sector kegiatan yang tercakup didalamnya ialah perusahan-perusahaan angkutan darat, laut, maupun udara, dan biro perjalanan. Idustri yang kedua ialah akomodasi, sedangkan yang ketiga yaitu segala sesuatu yang menarik wisatawan untuk berkunjung.
Peraturan pokok pengusahaan perusahaan penjalanan (travel agency) ,mula-mula di atus dalam surat keputusan menteri perhubungan no : SK:242/H/1970 tanggal 5 agustus 1970. Sesuai dengan sifat kegiatannya perusahaan perjalanan dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu wholesaler dan retailer :
1. Wholesaler adalah perusahaan perjalanan yang menyusun rencana perjalanan yang menyeluruh ( Travel Package, Tour) atau pun secara khusus yang di perjualkan kepada retail travel agent.
2. Retailer ( retailer travel agent) adalah perusahaan perjalanan yang menjual tour atau melakukan perantaraan perjalanan langsung kepada konsumen atau wisatawan adapun kegiatan dalam perusahaan perjalanan ialah :
a. Menyelenggarakan penerangan dan promosi penjualan kepariwisataan
b. Menyelenggarakan asistensi perjalanan baik dalam untuk perseorangan maupun kelompok
c. Menyelenggarakan keagenan perusahaan-perusahaan pengangkutan darat , laut, dan udara, hotel restaurant, hiburan dan tour operation.
d. Mengeluarkan tanda-tanda perjalanan untuk pengangkutan hotel restaurant hiburan tours hunting Wildlife safari, dan sebagainya.
e. Mengurus document perjalanan dan alat2 pembayaran untuk kepentingan perjalanan
f. Menyelenggaraan angkutan wisata untuk keperluan sightseeing, tours dan transfers.
g. Menyelenggarakan guiding dan tour conducting.
h. Menyelenggarakan mailing service atas barang-barang milik atau pembelian wisatawan dan menyalenggarakan cargo sales
i. Menyelenggarakan valute asing.

Ketentuan pelaksanaan Surat keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No: SK242/H/1970 tersebut diatas dituangkan dalam syarat keputusan direktur jenderal pariwisata No. : 13/kpts/1170- Par tanggal 24 November 1970. Akan tetapi karena kesulitan teknis pelaksanaan dari surat keputusan Menteri Perhubungan pembagian kegiatan usaha perusahaan perjalanan menjadi wholesaler dan retailer tidak dapat dijalankan sebagaimana mestinya.
Akhirnya dikeluarkan lagi surat keputusan menteri perhubungan No.: PM.9/PW.104/PHB.77 tanggal 22 Desember 1977 yang isinya mencabut surat keputusan Mentiri Perhubungan no. SK 242/H/1970 tersebut dan selanjutnya menetapkan sbb :
a.Biro Perjalanan Umum adalah perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan paket wisata dan agen perjalanan;
b. Agen Perjalanan adalah perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan penjualan ticket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain serta pemesanan sarana wisata;
c. Cabang Biro Perjalanan Umum adalah satuan-satuan usaha dari suatu Biro Perjalanan Umum yang berkedudukan di tempat yang sama atau di tempat lain san yang memberikan pelayanan sehubungan dengan kegiatan-kegiatan Biro Perjalanan Umum.

Adapun kegiatan-kegiatan usaha tercantum dalam Bab II Pasal 2 sbb :
1. Biro Perjalanan Umum melekukan kegiatan-kegiatan sebagai berikut :
a. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata luar negeri kepada umum atau atas permintaan.
b. Menyelenggarakan dan menjual pelayaran wisata (cruise)
c. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata dalam negeri kepada umum atas permintaan;
d. Menyelenggarakan pemanduan wisata (guiding dan tour conducting)
e. Menyediakan fasilitas sewa mobil untuk wisatawan
f. Menjual tiket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain;
g. Mengadakan pemesanan sarana wisata
h. Mengurus dokumen-dokumen perjalanan sesuai dengan peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku.
2. Agen Perjalanan melakukan kegiatan sbb :
a. Menjual tiket/karcis sarana angkutan dan lain-lain;
b. Mengadakan sarana pemesanan sarana wisata;
c. Mengurus dokumen-dokumen perjalanan sesuai dengan peraturan- peraturan yang berlaku.
Ketentuan pelaksanaan Surat Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No.: PM9/PW.104/Phb-77 tersebut dituangkan dalam Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pariwisata Nomor: Kep.34/U/I/78 tanggal 21 Januari 1978, yang sekaligus pula mencabut Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pariwisata Nomor: 13/Kpts/1170 tanggal 24 November 1970.
Pembatasan kegiatan bidang usaha perusahaan perjalanan menurut SK Menteri Perhubungan No. PM.9/PW.104/Phb.77 dibandingkan dengan SK 242/H/1970 bukanlah dimaksudkan untuk mempersempit ruang gerak kegiatan usaha perusahaan perjalanan, melainkan justru dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme dalam bidang usaha perusahaan perjalanan.

Pengertan Biro Perjalanan
- Biro perjalanan adalah kegiatan usaha yang bersifat komersial yang mengatur, dan menyediakan pelayanan bagi seseorang, sekelompok orang, untuk melakukan perjalanan dengan tujuan utama berwisata.
- Biro perjalanan umum adalah badan usaha yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan perjalanan usaha di dalam dan ke luar negeri.
- Cabang biro perjalanan umum adalah salah satu unit Biro Perjalanan Umum, yang berkududukan sama dengan kantor pusatnya atau di wilayah lain, yang melakukan kegiatan sama dengan kantor pusatnya.
- Agen perjalanan adalah badan usaha yang menyelenggarakan usaha perjalanan yang bertindak sebagai perantara dalam
menjual atau mengurus jasa untuk melakukan perjalanan.

Ruang lingkup Biro Perjalanan Umum
Ruang lingkup kegiatan usahanya adalah:
1. Membuat, menjual dan menyelenggarakan paket wisata.
2. Mengurus jasa angkutan perorangan atau kelompok yang di urusnya.
3. Melayani pemesanan akomodasi, restaurant dan sarana wisata lainnya.
4. Mengurus dokumen perjalanan.
5. Menyelenggarakan panduan perjalanan perjalanan wisata.
6. Melayani penyelenggaraan konvensi.

Fungsi Biro Perjalanan Umum
Fungsi Biro Perjalanan Umum di bedakan dua fungsi yaitu :
1. Fungsi Umum
Dalam hal ini biro perjalanan merupakan suatu badan usaha yang dapat memberikan penerangan atau informasi tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan dunia perjalanan pada umumnya dan perjalanan wisata pada khususnya.
2. Fungsi khusus
a. Biro perjalanan sebagai perantara. Dalam kegiatannya ia bertindak atas nama perusahaan lain dan menjual jasa-jasa
perusahaan yang diwakilinya. Karena itu ia bertindak di antara wisatawan dan industri wisata.
b. Biro perjalanan sebagai badan usaha yang merencanakan dan menyelenggarakan tour dengan
tanggung jawab dan resikonya sendiri.
c. Biro perjalanan sebagai pengorganisasi yaitu dalam menggiatkan usaha ia aktif menjalin kerjasama dengan perusahaan
lain baik dalam dan luar negeri. Fasilitas yang dimiliki di manfaatkan sebagai dagangannya.

Biro Perjalanan Wisata
Definisi BPW :
• Nyoman S. Pendit memberikan pengertian bahwa BPW adalah perusahaan yang memiliki tujuan untuk menyiapkan suatu perjalanan bagi seseorang yang merencanakan untuk mengadakannya.
• R. S. Damardjati menjelaskan bahwa BPW adalah perusahaan yang khusus mengatur dan menyelenggarakan perjalanan dan persinggahan orang – orang termasuk kelengkapan perjalannannya, dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain, baik di dalam negri, dari dalam negri, ke luar negri atau dalam negri itu sendiri.
• Menurut undang – undang No. 9 Th. 1990 bagian kedua pasal 12, disebutkan bahwa BPW merupakan usaha penyedia jasa perencanaan dan / atau jasa pelayanan dan penyelenggaraan wisata.
Biro perjalanan wisata memiliki tugas sebagai berikut :
1. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata luar negeri atas dasar permintaan.
2. Menyelenggarakan atau menjual pelayaran wisata (cruise).
3. Menyusun dan menjual paket wisata dalam negeri kepada umum atau atas dasar permintaan.
4. Menyelenggarakan pemanduan wisata.
5. Menyediakan fasilitas untuk wisatawan.
6. Menjual tiket/karcis sarana angkutan, dan lain-lain.
7. Mengadakan pemesanan sarana wisata.
8. Mengurus dokumen-dokumen perjalanan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.
Ruang Lingkup Agen Perjalanan
 Menjadi perantara pemesanan pemesanan tiket
 Mengurus dokumen perjalanan.
 Menjadi perantara pemesanan akomodasi, restaurant, sarana wisata dll
 Menjual paket wisata yang di buat oleh biro perjalanan umum
Fungsi Agen Perjalanan
1. Sebagai Perantara
a. Di daerah asal wisatawan
- Melengkapai informasi bagi wisatawan
- Memberikan advis bagi calon wisatawan
- Menyediakan tiket
b. Di daerah tujuan
- Memberi informasi bagi wisatawan.
- Membantu reservasi
- Menyediakan transportasi
- Mengatur perencanaan
- Menjual dan memesan tiket tanda mas
2. Sebagai organisator.
Karena travel agent sebagai perantara, maka ia berada di tengah-tengah industri pariwisata, maka perlu ada kontrak yang dibuat terlebih dulu. Selain itu itu harus ada perjanjian khusus yang mengatur hubungan kerja sehingga jelas tugas, kewajiban dan hak masing-masing pihak.

Sehingga bagi wisatawan travel agent merupakan :
 Mendapatkan informasi tentang tujuan daerah wisata
 Tempat meminta bantuan mengurus dokumen
 Tempat wisatawan dimana dapat memesan tiket, hotel, angkutan wisata dll
 Meminta bantuan tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan perjalanan
Tour Operator
Adalah suatu perusahaan yang usaha kegiatannya merencanakan dan menyelenggarakan perjalanan untuk tujuan pariwisata atas inisiatif dan risiko sendiri dengan tujuan mengambil keuntungan dari kegiatan tersebut

Agen Perjalanan Wisata
Definisi APW :
Badan usaha yang menyelenggarakan usaha perjalanan yang bertindak sebagai perantara dalam menjual atau mengurus jasa untuk melakukan perjalanan.
Agen perjalanan wisata memiliki tugas yaitu :
 Menjadi perantara pemesanan pemesanan tiket
 Mengurus dokumen perjalanan
 Menjadi perantara pemesanan akomodasi, restaurant, sarana wisata dll
 Menjual paket wisata yang di buat oleh biro perjalanan umum
Faktor Fungsi
Biro Perjalanan Wisata memiliki fungsi yang dapat dibedakan menjadi dua fungsi yaitu :
1. Fungsi Umum : Dalam hal ini biro perjalanan wisata merupakan suatu badan usaha yang dapat memberikan penerangan atau informasi tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan dunia perjalanan pada umumnya dan perjalanan wisata pada khususnya.
2. Fungsi khusus:
• Biro perjalanan wisata sebagai perantara. Dalam kegiatannya ia bertindak atas nama perusahaan lain dan menjual jasa-jasa perusahaan yang diwakilinya. Karena itu ia bertindak di antara wisatawan dan industri wisata.
• Biro perjalanan wisata sebagai badan usaha yang merencanakan dan menyelenggarakan tour dengan tanggung jawab dan resikonya sendiri.
• Biro perjalanan wisata sebagai pengorganisasi yaitu dalam menggiatkan usaha, BPW aktif menjalin kerjasama dengan perusahaan lain baik dalam dan luar negeri. Fasilitas yang dimiliki di manfaatkan sebagai dagangannya.
Agen Perjalanan Wisata memiliki dua fungsi yaitu :https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiPU2fYGpVCYy0qw_Zfql6PxIItQt6albeeY1rF3nLPIXq2YyYZ85HhOdAmQhUvTPwB52Blt4Ou6s4kxgNMZFCIWrYhlg1pLfM6S5Qb_kxzNSy5KJMPPQ7F4-WAFvsNXpY4ter4mBa94qg/s1600-h/Pengantar_Bisnis_Biro_Perjalanan_Wisata%5B14%5D.jpg
A. Sebagai Perantara
• Di daerah asal wisatawan
1. Melengkapai informasi bagi wisatawan
2. Memberikan advis bagi calon wisatawan
3. Menyediakan tiket
• Di daerah tujuan
1. Memberi informasi bagi wisatawan.
2. Membantu reservasi
3. Menyediakan transportasi
4. Mengatur perencanaan
5. Menjual dan memesan tiket tanda masuk

B. Sebagai organisator.
Karena travel agent sebagai perantara, maka ia berada di tengah-tengah industri pariwisata, maka perlu ada kontrak yang dibuat terlebih dulu. Selain itu itu harus ada perjanjian khusus yang mengatur hubungan kerja sehingga jelas tugas, kewajiban dan hak masing-masing pihak
Faktor Resiko
Biro Perjalanan Wisata memiliki tanggung jawab yang lebih besar dibandingkan Agen perjalanan Wisata. Hal ini disebabkan karena BPW mengeluarkan produknya berupa "Janji Jasa Perjalanan Wisata" yang dijual dalam bentuk “Brosur Paket Wisata" dan BPW harus bertanggungjawab penuh atas pelaksanaan produk yang dikeluarkannya. BPW harus menjamin bahwa wisatawan akan menikmati perjalanannya seperti yang tertulis dalam Brosur Paket Wisata yang dikeluarkan BPW.
Agen Perjalanan Wisata tidak memiliki tanggung jawab atas produk yang dijualnya. Hal ini dikarenakan APW hanya sebagai perantara perusahaan produk kepada konsumen atau pelanggan dan apabila pelanggan tidak puas, mereka harus komplain kepada pemilik produk (misalnya Hotel atau Maskapai Penerbangan).
Faktor Imbalan yang Diperoleh
Biro Perjalanan Wisata memperoleh imbalan atau laba yaitu dari selisih harga penjualan dengan total harga semua komponen yang dijualnya dalam paket wisata. Agen Perjalanan Wisata memperoleh imbalan berupa komisi dari pemilik produk dalam bentuk persen hasil penjualan.

Jadi menurut kami pariwisata adalah perjalanan mengunjungi tempat-tempat wisata dengan tujuan untuk bersenang-senang dengan waktu dan tempat yang tak terbatas baik sendirian ataupun bersama-sama. Wisatawan pun ada bermacam-macam seperti tourist, visitor, dan excurcionist. Banyak undang-undang yang mengatur tentang pariwisata.




Prabowohadi,Susetyo.1983.”Teknik Memandu Wisata”.Baturaden:


3 SA 03

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

homoseksual in united kingdom

1.How Homosexuality is 'inherited'

Campaigners object to gay being labelled a lifestyle
Scientists say they have shown how male homosexuality could be passed from generation to generation.

Nature encourages mothers to pass on a "gay trait" to their male offspring by boosting their fertility, the Italian University of Padova team believes.

This would keep the pattern of gay inheritance alive, they told the Royal Society's Biological Sciences journal.

Critics of the theory argue a gay gene would eventually be wiped out because gay couples do not procreate.

Inheritance theory

There is controversy about whether sexual orientation is a matter of choice, the authors of the study admitted to the journal.

Campaigners say equality for homosexual people is the more important issue.

Back in 1993, US researchers suggested male homosexuality was passed from mother to son after they found strong patterns of inheritance in family trees.

There might be...reproductive advantages associated with male homosexuality.
The study authors
It has also been noted that homosexual males are more often the younger siblings of a number of older brothers.

Scientists have said it might be that the mother develops some kind of resistance to the male Y chromosome in her offspring that makes subsequent baby boys more likely to be born gay.

Scientists doing DNA studies on homosexual brothers pinpointed 'culprit' genetic material to a region of the X chromosome that mothers pass on to their offspring.

But other researchers in the US have not been able to replicate these findings.

Highly fertile

Andrea Camperio-Ciani and colleagues argue genetic factors favouring homosexual male offspring could make women more fertile.

"Our data resolve this paradox by showing that there might be, hitherto unsuspected, reproductive advantages associated with male homosexuality," they said.

They looked at 98 homosexual and 100 heterosexual men and their relatives, which included more than 4,600 people overall.

Gay singer George Michael
Is a "gay gene" passed from mother to son?
The female relatives on the mother's side of the homosexual men tended to have more offspring than the female relatives on the father's side.

This suggests that these women who, in theory, pass on the gay trait to their male offspring are also more fertile.

In comparison, the female relatives on both the mother's and the father's side of the heterosexual men did not appear to be as fertile, having fewer offspring.

The researchers believe the homosexuality-increased fertility trait must be passed down on the female X chromosome.

They pointed out that this would not explain the majority (80%) of cases, and that cultural factors might be important.

Bigger picture

"It is clear that our findings, if confirmed by further research, are only one piece in a much larger puzzle on the nature of human sexuality," they said.

In 2002, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics produced a report into the possible link between genes and behaviour, which included sexual orientation.

It concluded: "There are numerous problems with genetic and other biological research into sexual orientation which mean that any reported findings must be viewed with caution."

It said many of the genetic studies were too small to draw definite conclusions from.

Alan Wardle from the gay rights charity Stonewall said: "This is an interesting debate and there may well be a genetic element, but it's not conclusive.

"It does not really matter whether it is nature or nurture.

"The important thing is getting equality for homosexual people."

2. The Community

London (in south England), Brighton (on the south coast of England), and Manchester (in north England) all have large gay communities.
A popular gay entertainment area in London is in Soho, in and around Old Compton Street. Manchester's gay village is around Canal Street. Brighton's gay quarter is in the area called Kemp Town on the eastern side of the town, around St James's Street.
Blackpool, Bournemouth, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle also have significant gay communities.Gay pubs often use rainbow signs. The centre for London's
gay community is Old Compton Street W1.

UK publications for gay men include the following:
- Gay Times is a monthly magazine available from newsagents
- AXM is a monthly magazine aimed at young gay adults
- Attitude is a monthly lifestyle magazine for gay men
- The Pink Paper is a fortnightly newspaper for gay and lesbian people
- ScotsGay Magazine is a Scottish monthly magazine aimed at gay or lesbian people
- Boyz is a free weekly magazine for gay men in London
- Fitlads is a free magazine for gay and bisexual men, published every 2 months

Many gay people in the UK still find it difficult to admit their sexuality, especially while at school or university. Many men try to hide their sexuality from other people, often leading to feelings of loneliness. The term coming out refers to the stage when someone lets those around him know that he is gay.

Over recent years, young British people have generally become more tolerant of homosexuality, and it is becoming more common for gay men to come out openly (including some politicians and pop stars, for example). However, there are still some young people who bully gay men or call them names (using terms such as "gay boy", "queer", "fag" or "homo" in an unpleasant way). It is not common to see gay men to show their sexuality openly in public (for example by holding hands or kissing). Many older British people still find it difficult to accept homosexuality, but do not usually show this openly. The official teachings of most religions in the UK remain hostile to homosexuality.

3. Social Treatment About Homosexual


Objectives To investigate the circumstances since the 1950s in which people who were attracted to members of the same sex received treatments to change their sexual orientation, the referral pathway and the process of therapy, and its aftermath.

Design A nationwide study based on qualitative interviews.

Participants 29 people who had received treatments to change their sexual orientation in the United Kingdom and two relatives of former patients.

Results Most participants had been distressed by their attraction to their own sex and people in whom they confided thought they needed treatment. Although some participants chose to undergo treatments instead of imprisonment or were encouraged through some form of medical coercion, most were responding to complex personal and social pressures that discouraged any expression of their sexuality. While many participants found happiness in same sex relationships after their treatment, most were left feeling emotionally distressed to some degree.

Conclusion The definition of same sex attraction as an illness and the development of treatments to eradicate such attraction have had a negative long term impact on individuals.

We analysed narratives following a chronological pattern from early development and sexual feelings to the treatment received, their lives thereafter, and their current attitudes to their treatment. We examined each transcript systematically for data relating to these aspects and extracted text segments accordingly using the software package (NVivo). All authors undertook a series of discussions about emerging themes to resolve discrepancies and reach a consensus on the meaning of the texts.


Twenty nine former male patients, two female patients, and two female relatives of male patients made contact, of whom one male and one female patient eventually declined because of personal commitments. This made 31 participants who were aged 27 to 83 years (mean 54.4, SD 12.2) at interview. One was married, six had married and divorced, and the remainder were single. One man had considered himself heterosexual until experiencing same sex attraction in his early 20s, four regarded themselves as bisexual, and the remainder had consistently been attracted to same sex partners.

Life before treatment
Many participants felt they lacked parental affection during childhood and adolescence and experiencing same sex attraction gave rise to considerable anxiety. Those who grew up between 1940 and 1970 often commented on the negative influence of the British media:

There were no positive role models and the newspapers were full of the most vituperative filth that made me feel suicidal... I felt totally bewildered that my entire emotional life was being written up in the papers as utter filth and perversity.

Male 1

Those who confided in others were usually met with silence, condemnation, and rejection or told that their homosexual feelings constituted a temporary phase. Two who confided in their teachers were referred to psychiatrists for treatment. Although many had experimented with same sex partners, the legal and social risks involved were considerable. Isolation from other gay young people also drove several, as young adolescents, to engage in sexual experimentation with adults and vice versa, that might not otherwise have occurred. Growing up and realising that their sexual feelings were not a passing phase increased their sense of shame and isolation. A few requested help directly from mental health professionals to change their sexual orientation. Most, however, talked about their homosexual feelings with their general practitioners. However, doctors often lacked knowledge and were uncomfortable with the disclosure of homosexual feelings:

He said he'd never had any experience with this and no one had ever raised this before. He said, "if you come back next week I'll do some research." I went back to see the GP and he said, "well, I've been in touch with colleagues," and he said, "obviously you can't go on living with the stress and the way you are—it's wrong, it's perverse, it's a sickness."

Male 2

General practitioners referred participants to NHS professionals who were known to specialise in treatment of homosexuality. Only one general practitioner counselled a participant not to have treatment. Two men were arrested for homosexual activity and underwent treatment to avoid imprisonment.

The age at which people received treatment ranged from 13 to 40 years, with most being in their late adolescence and early 20s. Treatments described were mainly administered in NHS hospitals throughout Britain and in one case a military hospital. Those treated privately usually underwent psychoanalysis. The most common treatment (from the early 1960s to early 1970s, with one case in 1980) was behavioural aversion therapy with electric shocks (11 participants). Nausea induced by apomorphine as the aversive stimulus was reported less often (four participants in the early 1960s).

In electric shock aversion therapy, electrodes were attached to the wrist or lower leg and shocks were administered while the patient watched photographs of men and women in various stages of undress. The aim was to encourage avoidance of the shock by moving to photographs of the opposite sex. It was hoped that arousal to same sex photographs would reduce, while relief arising from shock avoidance would increase, interest in opposite sex images. Some patients reported undergoing detailed examination before treatment, while others were assessed more perfunctorily. Patients would recline on a bed or sit in a chair in a darkened room, either alone or with the professional behind a screen. Each treatment lasted about 30 minutes, with some participants given portable electric shock boxes to use at home while they induced sexual fantasies. Patients receiving apomorphine were often admitted to hospital due to side effects of nausea and dehydration and the need for repeated doses, while those receiving electric shock aversion therapy attended as outpatients for weeks or in some cases up to two years.

Oestrogen treatment to reduce libido (two participants in the 1950s), psychoanalysis (three private participants and one NHS participant in the 1970s), and religious counselling (two participants in the 1990s) were also reported. Other forms of treatment were electroconvulsive therapy, discussion of the evils of homosexuality, desensitisation of an assumed phobia of the opposite sex, hypnosis, psychodrama, and abreaction. Dating skills were sometimes taught, and occasionally men were encouraged to find a prostitute or female friend with whom to try sexual intercourse.

Many described the treatments as unsophisticated and un-erotic because of the clinical setting and images used:

The whole week was totally un-erotic. I don't think I could have had an erection for any reason that week because I didn't like being there.

Male 3

Most were kept away from others undergoing the same treatment and avoided talking to family and friends about it. One participant claimed that a male doctor whom he consulted for help with his homosexuality sexually abused him several times at the age of 14, another that one or more doctors physically assaulted him during his treatment, while a third believed his name was given to the police and his family. Nevertheless, some reported concern and sympathy from those who treated them:

A psychologist was the man who administered the jolts to me, and he was quite charming because I could tell he couldn't be disloyal to the hospital but he kind of, in his way, tried to dissuade me from doing this.

Male 4

The contrast between the depth of their sexual feelings and the simplicity of the treatment made many doubt the wisdom of the approach. Most became disillusioned and stopped the treatments themselves. Sometimes treatment ended abruptly:

I said, "when am I going to find a breakthrough? You keep saying things will change and everything's going to be OK." She [the psychiatrist] said, "well, I'm going to have to tell you now I don't think we are going to get anywhere. To be quite honest I never expected we would in the first place. You're going to have to go home and tell your wife that you're gay and start a new life." Boom!

Male 5

This man left the hospital and immediately made a serious attempt on his life. Most participants were never followed up for more than a few months.

Life after treatments
For the brother of one participant, there was no life after treatment. He died in hospital due to the side effects of apomorphine. Several sought out further treatment, usually private psychoanalysis; none had further behavioural treatments. Some believed that the treatments had helped them to deal with their sexual feelings but not in the way intended:

Mainly that from a guilt-ridden Christian point of view it meant that at least I had tried to do something and it had proved not to work. I think it's mostly the feeling that I'd done my bit to try and deal with the problem. I found that comforting.

4. Government Treatment About Homosexual
Religious objections to same sex attraction between men have existed since at least the Middle Ages1 but were first endorsed in law in England in the 1533 Act of Henry VIII, which classified sodomy as an illegal act between man and woman, man and man, or man and beast.2 This law, which was re-enacted in 1563, was the basis for all male homosexual convictions until 1885, when the Criminal Assessment Act extended the legal sanction to any sexual contact between males.2 The end of the 19th century saw the advent of the concept of homosexuality as a pathological medical or psychological condition,3-6 which legitimised treatments to change it. The social construction of the diagnosis of homosexuality occurred within the context of powerful sociopolitical forces against any variation from the heterosexual norm that prevailed for much of the 20th century.6 Though sexual behaviour in private between adult men was decriminalised in Britain in 1967, treatments to change homosexuals into heterosexuals peaked in the 1960s and early 1970s.7 However, we have little knowledge of the patients who experienced, or the professionals who administered, such treatments. We conducted an oral history study of treatments to change same sex attraction in Britain from 1950 to understand why people received treatment, how they experienced it, and how it affected their lives.


Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

individual assignment


1. why the English flag`s name is Union Jack?

2. why the crosses name was st.Andrews, st. George, and st. Patrick?

3. why it was only northern ireland join with england and the southern ireland didnt join?


1. there are 3 causes why the name is union jack:

a. because it is an alternative name for the Union Flag by the Admiralty and Parliament in the early 20th century. The term 'jack' refers to the flag that is flown from the bow end of the ship, often denoting nationality. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Flag)

b. because it was name of King James I who originated the union in 1603 in either its Latin or French form Jacobus or Jacques; or, as 'jack' once meant small (http://www.ujnews.com/html/flags.shtml)

c. because it`s as representing a "union of jacob", so it has become point of attack by somebody who deny the identification of ourselves with ancient israel (www.orange-street-church.org/text/union-jack-flag.htm)

2. a. the name of st. Andrews is because there was the legend of scotland flag, said that when Scotland`s King prayed to st. Andrews, he saw saltire of st. Andrews against the clear blue sky. then he swore that if Scotland won battle from English, st.Andrews would forever be the patron saint of Scotland (http://www.scotland-calling.com/culture/flag.htm)

b. the name of st. Patrick was from chivalry called the Order of st. Patrick, to reflect the ireland enhanced constitutional status (http://www.doyle.com.au/st_pats_flag.htm)

c. the name of st. George is from name of christian soldier army who was a saint that killed dragon, which had killed many victims in England (http://www.icons.org.uk/theicons/collection/st-george-flag/biography/who-was-st-george)

3. There are 2 causes of it:

a. because most people in northern ireland was from Scottish presbyterian, that came from England, who deliberatly put there to admitted that northern ireland were them (http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/44366)

b. there was nasionalist group of ireland who wanted to seeking a Home Rule, but unionist group had signed a convenant pledging to fight. when the fight was over, Lord Carson, the Dublin-born leader of Irish Unionism, persuaded unionists to work for the exemption of 6 of the Ulster counties as a compromise. then in the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty between Britain and the nationalist rebels that created the Irish Free State, both sides accepted that Northern Ireland's Parliament could opt-out of the Free State (http://www.everythingulster.com/blog/index.php/2007/03/04/why_ireland_is_divided)