Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

individual assignment


1. why the English flag`s name is Union Jack?

2. why the crosses name was st.Andrews, st. George, and st. Patrick?

3. why it was only northern ireland join with england and the southern ireland didnt join?


1. there are 3 causes why the name is union jack:

a. because it is an alternative name for the Union Flag by the Admiralty and Parliament in the early 20th century. The term 'jack' refers to the flag that is flown from the bow end of the ship, often denoting nationality. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Flag)

b. because it was name of King James I who originated the union in 1603 in either its Latin or French form Jacobus or Jacques; or, as 'jack' once meant small (http://www.ujnews.com/html/flags.shtml)

c. because it`s as representing a "union of jacob", so it has become point of attack by somebody who deny the identification of ourselves with ancient israel (www.orange-street-church.org/text/union-jack-flag.htm)

2. a. the name of st. Andrews is because there was the legend of scotland flag, said that when Scotland`s King prayed to st. Andrews, he saw saltire of st. Andrews against the clear blue sky. then he swore that if Scotland won battle from English, st.Andrews would forever be the patron saint of Scotland (http://www.scotland-calling.com/culture/flag.htm)

b. the name of st. Patrick was from chivalry called the Order of st. Patrick, to reflect the ireland enhanced constitutional status (http://www.doyle.com.au/st_pats_flag.htm)

c. the name of st. George is from name of christian soldier army who was a saint that killed dragon, which had killed many victims in England (http://www.icons.org.uk/theicons/collection/st-george-flag/biography/who-was-st-george)

3. There are 2 causes of it:

a. because most people in northern ireland was from Scottish presbyterian, that came from England, who deliberatly put there to admitted that northern ireland were them (http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/44366)

b. there was nasionalist group of ireland who wanted to seeking a Home Rule, but unionist group had signed a convenant pledging to fight. when the fight was over, Lord Carson, the Dublin-born leader of Irish Unionism, persuaded unionists to work for the exemption of 6 of the Ulster counties as a compromise. then in the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty between Britain and the nationalist rebels that created the Irish Free State, both sides accepted that Northern Ireland's Parliament could opt-out of the Free State (http://www.everythingulster.com/blog/index.php/2007/03/04/why_ireland_is_divided)

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